Picking the Perfect Pin Cartridge

Every configuration of the UV pin cartridge was designed with the Bowhunter in mind. Whether you're hunting whitetails in thick timber or chasing antelope on the open plains - we have a setup tailored for you.
Personally, I like to use a UV3XL™ with a .010 Single Pin for hunting whitetails, as I am typically in close quarters and have a good idea of my shot opportunities.
When I travel to hunt out in western states, I prefer to use a cartridge with multiple pins like the Vertical 3 pin or Adjustable 3 pin . Having multiple pins allows me to quickly adjust my aim without letting down if an animal is moving closer or further away.
What Setup is Right for You?
When deciding on what pin configuration is right for you, first ask yourself: "What is my target species? And where will I be hunting them?"
For hunting in environments where your shot opportunities are likely close and easy to determine, like whitetails from a treestand, a Single or Double pin setup helps to eliminate clutter and confusion from your sight picture while maintaining pinpoint accuracy.
When I get set up into my treestand or blind, I range the trails that I expect my target to travel on. Once I have the ranges, I set my sight for the most likely path of travel.
This will help to keep my movement as minimal as possible when the opportunity comes, as well as eliminate one more step from my mind in order to effectively take the shot.
If the animal happens to use a different trail than I'm dialed for, then I can quickly adjust my slider to the correct yardage without fumbling around with my rangefinder once again.
This thought process works the same for the Double pin as well. By having your main pin set up for the most-likely path of travel, you can use the second pin as a backup or reference if your target chooses to walk down a different trail.
Western Hunting
When hunting in the western states for species like elk and mule deer, you will likely be spot and stalk hunting, and an animal can present itself at any yardage.
It can be difficult to determine in the moment where and when you will get a shot, so having a setup where you can make an aiming adjustment on the fly is crucial.
For spot and stalk hunting, I typically use the UV3XL™ with an Adjustable 3 pin cartridge. This setup gives me accurate marks for 20-30-40 yards without moving my scope at all, and still allows me to dial to my exact yardage on longer distance shots using my TripleMark™ indicators.
The Vertical 3 pin is also a great option for western hunting. By keeping all 3 fibers fixed in one single pin, it helps to provide a super clean sight picture.
Being able to adjust for your target in a moment's notice will undoubtedly lead to better success in the field, and having multiple pins in your scope for referencing distance is crucial in that process.
At the end of the day, what setup you use all boils down to personal preference. Using a Single pin out West hunting elk can still be extremely effective, as well as hunting whitetails in the Midwest with an Adjustable 3 pin.
The most important step in the entire process of choosing and refining your equipment choices is spending time behind the bow, getting comfortable with your setup.